Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Advice on pregnancy... guys help?

I am nineteen. My boyfriend and I met about two years ago, and he moved away a few months ago to college, but I stayed in my hometown (hes only about a hour away). I have had one miscarriage already and at that time we had decided on abortion, but did not go through with it because I lost the baby. I just found out I am 3 weeks pregnant. I havn't told him yet, because my heart is set on keeping the baby. I know he will want an abortion, but I know he won't leave me if I want to keep the baby. I am a little nervous, and am not sure how to tell him I have changed my mind on this one. Any advice from a guy maybe? Or a girl. Thank you.Advice on pregnancy... guys help?
If your boyfriend didn't want a child he should have used birth control when having sex with you. It seems like the two of you were not on the same page when it came to wanting a child in the first place.

You should confirm your pregnancy before telling him and then be honest about the fact that you are going to keep the baby.

Also, you should understand that raising a child at 19 is a big task - especially if you don't have support. You have yet to live your life and may want to do that after your child is here; remember that once a child is here, it's no longer about you - it's about that baby and the sacrifices you must make for him/her.

Confirm pregnancy and tell the father - it shouldn't be a surprise if you guys were having unprotected sex. All the best to you.Advice on pregnancy... guys help?
Don't tell him until you are a little further along. That may seem sneaky but if you are to far along for an abortion then that will keep that option off the table for sure. I would wait until about 12 wks along then tell him and explain that you want to keep the baby and you hope that he will still be there for you and the baby but you understand if he isn't ready.
It's his kid too, so he deserves to know immediately. If you decide to keep it, he deserves the option of helping to raise it. If he wants you to abort and you refuse, don't expect him to stick around just because he loves you. It's hard enough to be a parent when you want to be when, but when you don't, you eventually leave. So don't have this kid unless you're okay with being a single mom, because that's your probable future. Don't think you're any better than all the other nineteen-year-olds who got themselves into the same situation.
tell him. well i just dont think abortion should be a form of birth control but anyway if my girlfriend said that then id be like OK. i might not really want a baby at this point but i wouldn't be all crazy if she decided to keep it. just tell him and explain how you feel. you are kinda young though. i hope everything works out alright.
I had a friend who went through something similar.

Just tell him, in person though. Tell him your true feelings, whatever comes out from the heart and go from there. There's no way around it.

It worked out for my friend and I'm sure it will for you.

Good luck!
It's all good. You have made your choice and he can not change that. You guys just need to talk about it. If he does not want the baby, then that sucks for him because if he walks out then you get to go to the child support office and go after his *** when the baby comes. He has to realize that with having sex, there is the possibility of pregnancy and the possibility that the woman he had sex with keeping the baby. He made his bed so make him lay in it lol.

I'm proud of you for making the decision to keep this blessing. I can only pray that he will stay with you and help you raise him/her.

Good luck.
You should just tell him. I mean, he IS the father and it's something that needs to be said between you guys. First of all, this guy needs to grow up and man up to his responsibilities (so he HAS to support you) and your decision on the baby. It's your body and you decide on what you want (not him). SO it's best to tell him, but if he wants you to abort make sure you ignore him and follow your own heart. Remember that if you want to keep the baby and he won't support you, then he's not worth it and you always have support from your friends %26amp; family. god bless you and the health of you and your baby.
You will find that when you have a child, nothing in the world matters except your baby.

If your boyfriend is that mean as to make you have an abortion, WHY THE HELL ARE YOU STILL STUCK IN THE MIDDLE?

This guy is NOT RIGHT.

You will find the right guy, and he will accept the fact that there is a living baby inside you that certainly DOES NOT deserve to be literally crushed up in the most inhumane way.

Abortions are absolutely disgusting. They literally crush up a baby inside you. Thats like putting a baby in a blender, and cinsidering it legal. I dont understand why people can have an abortion like 2 weeks before delivery, but the second the baby comes out, crushing it up is considered murder.

JUst think about that.

This guy needs a good slap in the face (or a kick in the balls, whichever makes him wake up to himself).

He is immature, and obviously cant handle caring for a child.

If he cant handle a child now, do you still see a future for you and him with children?

I just thought i would let you know, that if you do have children together, wake up to yourself and have a good look at your child - this guy wouldnt have cared less if this bundle of joy was CRUSHED UP before birth. Do you still think that he actually appreciates him/her?

There are millions of women who cant have babies, so appreciate the fact that you are fertile.

What would you do if you had an abortion now, and in the future when you tried for a baby, you realised that you had lost your fertility due to the abortion? That can seriously happen, you know.

My advice is to tell this guy that there is a living being in you, and if he is so careless as to not give a sh!t if you get this baby terminated, you'll leave him. Its going to be hard, im not going to lie. But for the sake of the baby and its future, you are doing this for the better.

Move in with mum or a friend for the pregnancy, and dont less this situation stress you out - it could affect the baby.

Good luck and God bless xx
Next time use a condom or oral contraceptives. for 19 you seem very stupid.
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