Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Who has advice for me on picking up guys?

Go up to a guy your interested in, start a conversation find out his interests. then say you enjoyed talking to him and ask for his number or you give him yours.Who has advice for me on picking up guys?
Be yourself, and don't think of it as ';picking up guys';. You'll attract the wrong type of guy.

The best thing to do before you start to date is sit down and make up a mental list of what it is your looking for.

Just be happy with yourself, be confident and healthy, and eventually a guy will come along that fits your list :)Who has advice for me on picking up guys?
I agree - just be yourself. Getting guys to like you can be really easy if you know what they're attracted to. There's a book called ';Catch Him and Keep Him'; about the psychology of what attracts men that you should check out. It's full off specific ways to communicate with a man that will instantly amplify the attraction he feels for you and help move things quickly and smoothly...

Here's the link: http://affiliates.hottopicmedia.com/z/453/CD2043/%26amp;dp=26226

Good luck with your pick up success!

Go to parties and dances, other things like that (clubs if you are old enough).

Make sure you talk to a lot of guys and dance with a lot of guys.
you should just be yourself,do not try to act like somebody else.just hang out with some guys and let them come to you.

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